Saturday, May 15, 2010

Egyptians Tattoos - Egypt is the Cradle of Tattoo Art

Tattoos are used as a passport after death to live in this world again. Many traditional cultures have this as a practice, and Egypt was called the cradle of tattoo art. It is said that the bodies that were discovered tattoos on them. One female mummy named Amunet was said to have several dots and lines on her body as a tattoo. Her flesh had a clear display of the tattoo art. Many female mummies also showed these kinds of tattoo designs on their body. One of the popular designs among them was the ornamental scarring that is still popular in some parts of Africa. This tattoo design is worn on the lower part of the abdomen. The series of lines and dots is said to increase the fertility in a woman.

The traditional reasons involved in Egyptian tattooing are:

- To have a connection with the Divine.
- Act of sacrifice or as a tribute to a deity.
- As a talisman, a permanent good luck charm that cannot be lost.
- To provide medical protection and provide magical powers.

There was always a connection that existed between divine powers and the tattoos worn in ancient Egypt. Most of the designs that were discovered in this place were intrinsically connected to their religion. Mummies of 1300 BC were tattooed with the symbol of Neith. Neith was a female deity. These were the only tattoo designs that were meant for the male bearer.

God Bes tattoo:

This was the earliest tattoo displaying something specific and it was representing the God Bes. It is the favorite God of the musicians and the dancing girls. It is tattooed on the thigh of girls. Tattoos are extremely popular among the western culture but this practice is avoided by the Muslim culture. Egypt had some of the best stylish tattoos that when worn on any part of the body makes them look great. Modern Egyptian tattoos have emerged into the world but are little complex in their designs.

Egyptian tattoos are designed with the ideas obtained from various hieroglyphics and use ancient symbols to design the beautiful tattoos. Some of the Egyptian gods that are associated with these tattoos are the Bastet, Anubis and Horus.

Upper Back Tattoos - Where's the Good, Fresh Tattoo Art For Your Back?

Finding quality upper back tattoos has become more difficult than trying to do push ups while your hands are tied behind your back. At least that's how hard it feels to any average internet surfer looking for websites that have good, fresh tattoo art to choose from. Most people won't even find "one" decent gallery. I will help you easily change this around, while finding the tons of quality upper back tattoos available to you.

The reason I want to bring this subject up is because I have witnessed and read about so many individuals who continue to struggle, every time they try to look for places that have great tattoo art. Most people end up seeing the same generic junk and the same old cookie cutter designs. Upper back tattoos are usually pretty detailed pieces, which means that generic artwork is never going to cut it.

Why are people seeing nothing but generic junk in the first place? This question is easy to answer. The real reason is because many people are stuck in their ways and continue to use a search engines to find tattoo gallery. For most things search engines are the perfect way to find websites. This is not true for finding quality upper back tattoos, or any kind of tattoo design.

There was a time when Google would give you a nice, fresh list of galleries that had top notch artwork. This doesn't happen any more, though. All you wind up getting now is a long, worthless list of bottom of the barrel type places. They all share the same nine year old generic tattoo art that has been floating around. There is no originality in the websites that search engines continually show you when you search for upper back tattoos.

With that said, you will need a better way to look for good upper back tattoos. What can you use instead? Well, your absolute best bet is going to be forums. They are thirty times better than anything that search engines will bring you to. Why do I say that? I say it because forums can be used to find out where people all over the planet have somehow found great tattoo artwork. The larger forums will be your ultimate way to great upper back tattoos, because large forums are stuffed with topics on tattoo related subjects. Your job is to start scanning those topics at your convenience, as they will be loaded with people sharing their knowledge, info and links to the hidden galleries they have unearthed. It's that simple and it works so much better than what you are used to.

There is no need to simply pick some random, generic upper back tattoos, which you shouldn't do anyway, because it's a design you will have on your for the rest of your life.

Female Chest Tattoos - Searching For Good Tattoo Art For Your Chest

Gone are the days of finding a lot of good female chest tattoos in a matter of minutes. Heck, most women won't find even one of them. Why is this happening? Because they way most people look for tattoo art is no longer providing you with a list of websites that have quality art. Here's how to reverse that, while helping you get a hold of the good female chest tattoos you probably wouldn't be able to find otherwise.

I have a good feeling that you already know what I am talking about when I said you are no longer getting a good list of websites that have great artwork. Yes, I am talking about search engines. A huge percentage of the general population (95%) use them to look for tattoo artwork on the internet. This wouldn't be such a bad thing if you were still able to find quality tattoo designs by using them, but most people are not. All you get now, no matter which tattoo styles you are looking for, is a huge list of low end galleries. Sure, you might find a bunch of generic female chest tattoos, but the quality, original ones are nowhere to be found.

It's almost like all of the good galleries have been mysteriously taken off of the web. Well, the good galleries with fantastic female chest tattoos are still out there. It's just that search engines aren't showing you where they are anymore. So, how do you get a hold of these places? Surely, there must be another way to find them, right? Yes, there is. The best alternate way to find these places is to use internet forums. It will help you reverse the trend of only finding generic female chest tattoos. If you go over to any of the larger forums, you can find bunches and bunches of topics on the subject of tattoo art.

This is exactly what you need. You can skim through some of these topics and get a great peek at where people all over the globe are finding quality tattoo designs. It's how you can find so many of the hidden, quality tattoo galleries that are sure to have original female chest tattoos. You won't believe how many honest people are in there sharing links to the great places they have found. The truth is that they know how difficult finding good artwork can be, so they share what they have. You simply reap the benefits of their generosity.

You still want to take as much time as you need to find the female chest tattoos that suit your tastes, because settling on anything less shouldn't be an option.

Wrist Tattoos For Girls - Locating the Best Tattoo Art

Are you seeing decent art when scanning the net for wrist tattoos for girls? It might sound like a silly question to ask, but I asked it because 80% of women are not seeing decent stuff. Instead, they get overloaded by generic laced websites, where cookie cutter junk is the norm. If you want to find original, high quality wrist tattoos for girls, here's how to make it happen.

You would not believe how many people, men and women included, end up getting inked with a generic tattoo. Worst of all, most of them regret ever getting tattooed with such a cookie cutter design. There's not much they can do about it at that point, though, right? Most of these folks have one thing in common. A large portion of them probably used a search engine to look for tattoo art. If this is how you've been scanning the net for wrist tattoos for girls, it might be time to change.

The listings they provide you are just horrendous. They are filled with the most basic, generic galleries, where all you see is page after page of cookie cutter art. That is the only type of websites they seem to be pulling up for everyone. If you want to get a hold of the galleries of fresh, original, well drawn wrist tattoos for girls, you need one tiny tip.

Use forums to get it done. Large forums to be more precise. I can say this very confidently, because I've used them for years to find all sorts of original artwork and real tattoo art, drawn by real artists. You can find this info because of the massive archive sections that every single big forum has. This is where you have total and instant access to hundreds of past topics on various tattoo related subjects. If you want to see real wrist tattoos for girls, this is all you need.

Scan through some of the topics at your leisure. Women from all walks of life have shared their findings of amazing tattoo galleries. The subject always come up, because so many people get frustrated by seeing the same generic junk all the time. It's your source for finding wrist tattoos for girls that "you" want to see, instead of seeing generic fad designs. Nothing even compares.

Any wrist tattoo for girls you pick out will be very visible, because of the placement on your body, so why not get exactly what you want?

Butterfly Tattoo Art - Getting to the Premium Designs

If you are looking for butterfly tattoo art on the web, then you know just how much content is out there. Since you are looking, you probably also know just how much generic artwork is on the internet. It really doesn't matter which styles of tattoos you are after because the web seems cluttered with so much "less than" type of art. Here are tips on how to avoid it while getting to the premium material.

While there is wonderful butterfly tattoo art on the web, most people never end up seeing much of it. Sure, you might run across hundreds of butterflies and related artwork, but a large majority of it was probably generic, cookie-cutter artwork that is not worth your time. Let alone the fact that most generic artwork wasn't even drawn to be made into real tattoos. Get one of those inked and there is a very decent chance of it not coming out looking half as good as it looked on paper or your computer screen. That's not butterfly tattoo art people should settle for and neither should you.

There is true, rich textured artwork on the web, but most people are using search engines to locate the websites that have artwork and they ever get to see it. This is because search engines usually pull up raunchy, unappealing designs that nobody should even consider. Not only that, but most of what these sites have is way over six years old and is plastered on hundreds of other websites already. Try to guess how many people might have that butterfly tattoo art inked on their body. That's not a pretty thing to imagine.

There is a simple transition you can make in order to completely remove the generic butterfly tattoo art from the equation. It's not any sort of innovative new way of searching, but it will make all the difference in the world when it comes to the quality butterfly tattoo art you will be able to find. I am talking about using internet forums, which are about 100 times better at helping you find the truly great websites in cyberspace. Yes, I know that forums are usually reserved for chatting and resolving questions and issues, but they are just as good at providing you with the information you need on the hidden websites that have quality artwork. Forums are filled with powerful post after powerful post of places you have never seen. These tend to be the websites that people searched long and hard for and are now sharing with the select few who know to look in forums. These are the websites that have great butterfly tattoo art and now you can find them.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Feminine Cute & Sexy Tattoos For Women - Tattoos Designs For Girls on the Foot, Ankle & Wrist

Every girl wants to have a great looking tattoo design that enhances their overall look. However, finding feminine and cute tattoos for women can at times be frustrating. Searching online or at your local tattoo shop for the right ankle or foot tattoo can be hard. It sometimes takes hours of searching to come up short. Here is a list of ideas to get your own thoughts flowing. It is not a complete or exhaustive list of tattoo designs for girls by any means but it at least gives you some great ideas and locations to get a tattoo design and how to make it cute, feminine and sexy all at the same time.

Possible Designs

There or course are a ton of designs out there and what you pick is a matter of person choice. What one person thinks is cute or sexy might be different then another person. So whenever choosing a tattoo design it is important to pick something for you and not for anyone else. In other words don't pick a tattoo because your friend likes or doesn't like it but pick a design that you think is feminine or sexy or whatever look you are after. These are just some popular ideas.

  • Cherry Blossoms - Cherry blossoms make a great tattoo that can be done in a pretty small location such as a wrist or foot or even around an ankle. Cherry blossoms are a beautiful lower that symbolizes the beauty and shortness of life and it is a symbol that is meant to remind the person to live life to the fullest.
  • Fairy Tattoos - Fairies work great in just about any location on the body. If you are not sure about the foot or ankle a fairy design can easily be done on the hip, shoulder or just about anywhere. The other great thing about a fairy is it doesn't necessarily have a meaning already ascribed to it. It is more about the design and look of the fairy that you choose. You can go for a shy coy fairy or a sexy hot fairy or even an evil scary looking fairy if you want something tough.
  • Tribal Designs - Tribal designs are typically more the domain of men. However, more and more women are choosing traditionally male designs and femininzing them. It is not really a word but it best describes the process of taking a tattoo and adding a cute feminine touch to it. So instead of a think black line tribal design one might chose something with more swirls and color to it and make it look cute. Tribal tattoos make good bracelet designs that wrap around an ankle or wrist but can also be done on the top of the foot or just about anywhere else.
  • Star Tattoos - Star tattoos have always been popular among women. You can get a cute cluster of small stars just about anywhere on your body. Stars typically are mysterious and represent beauty. If you want something a little bigger you can always opt for a shooting star or a nautical star design for something with a bit of an edge to it.
Think Small

While the design is important it is not the only thing that can make a tattoo design for girls look sexy or cute. It also has to do with size and typically women tend to get smaller designs to make them look cute. However, you are not locked into that and a big design can also look very cute depending on the location and the chosen subject of the tattoo. Just keep in mind you are free to be creative and have fun with the design and choose a size that express something about you and something that looks great to you.

Think Location

Another important part of choose a sexy tattoo design is the location. Choosing an intimate or hidden location can often make the tattoo the perfect adornment. Something like the top of the foot, the wrist, ankle, back of the neck and hip are all areas that you might want to consider. Putting a tattoo in these areas accentuates the natural beauty and sexiness of the area.

Think Sexy

Most importantly no matter what tattoo design you choose the ultimate goal is the design should be something you think is cute and sexy. If you are into the tattoo and really feel passionate about it you will carry yourself in a different manner when you get it inked on your body. Being confident and assured in who you are and knowing yourself well are all way more sexy then the location of design of the tattoo.

Hot and Sexy Japanese Tattoo Designs For Females - The Best in Feminine Tattoo Designs

Those who have a few tattoos probably know how hard and the time and effort it can take to find the perfect tattoo and the perfect design. It can almost be down right frustrating at times. It seems people are always wanting to find something that is different, unique, sexy and original. Well, right now is a great time to get a tattoo because the world of tattoo designs for women is growing at a super fast pace. In fact female tattoo designs are growing faster then any other segment of the industry. Thus has lead to a lot of new developments in tattoo designs for women. One of those is the use of traditional Japanese tattoo designs.

The Adaption

When most people think of Japanese tattoos and their designs images of the hardened Yakuza gangsters with full body tattoos comes to mind. yes for centuries tattooing was done in Japan on Yakuza and criminals. That is where many of the traditional and very beautiful designs came from. However, these designs have gone through a rebirth of sorts or a renaissance as of late. The designs have been taken apart and broken down and then brighter colors from new inks have been added in to make smaller, cute and feminine tattoo designs. For example the Koi fish was a very traditional Japanese tattoo for males. Yet many women are getting koi fish for the beauty and strength but they are not doing them on the whole back for the most part. Instead they are using bright colors of the koi fish and then adding in beautiful full color waves and splashed into a quarter sleeve design. The point here is one can easily take part of a much larger and more traditional design and adapt it to fit in a smaller and sexier area.

Popular Themes

There are a lot of very popular themes among Japanese tattoo designs. The symbolism and meaning behind these tattoo is very deep and rich and often embedded into the Japanese culture and religion. For those of us getting a Japanese tattoo here in the west it can be smart to find out about the meaning and symbolism of the tattoo before getting it inked on your body permanently. Here are some of the hottest and sexiest designs for females right now.

Koi Fish

Typically one would not think of a fish as beautiful. Unless of course you are a fisherman or love to eat fish. However, for the Japanese and many westerners the Koi fish represents the spirit of individuality and going against the norm or status quo. It is believed that koi fish typically swim back up stream to mate. Thus makes them very unusually int he fish world and an obvious sign of strength on their part. Therefore they can make for a wonderfully symbolic tattoo and design. Also with the new brightness in the inks available the water and gold of a koi fish really stand out.

Cherry Blossoms

Cherry blossoms are another deeply historical and symbolic for the Japanese. They are also seen as a thing of great beauty. In fact many Japanese will go and visit a local park just to see the Cherry Blossoms. However, they also represent the impermanence of life and how life like a flower can be very beautiful but also fragile.

Finding An Artist

Another very important thing to consider if you are wanting to get a sexy and feminine Japanese tattoo is the artist that is going to ink the work on your skin. You want to find someone who will not only listen to your ideas but also provide feedback and input to help you refine your ideas. It is also beneficial to try and find someone with background in Japanese tattoo designs. Thus they can help you understand the symbolism behind certain parts of the tattoo and certain designs.

Sexy Locations

Of course there are a ton of locations that are very sexy on a females body and also many areas that work well with a tattoo. Of course there is always the lower back design. There is also the front top of the hip, the foot, thigh and neck. Any of these places can easily be considered for a great looking hot and sexy female tattoo design.

Hot and Sexy Tattoo Designs For Girls - This is Why I'm Hot!

If you girls ever wanted guys tripping over with their jaws dropped every time you walked past, then you ought to get hot. And how? Well, why don't you try on some hot and sexy tattoo designs for girls?

More and more of the hottest women out there, are adding more sex appeal to their images by sporting a hot and sexy tattoo on their skin, on various parts of their bodies! One of the most noticeable things however, is that the definition of cool tattoos by these women is surely changing. You are more likely to find these sexy tattoo designs off a male tattoo studio than one for females. Why? Because more and more girls prefer bold tattoo designs than the usual cute and chic ones these days.

The Tattoo Design:

Hot tattoo designs would translate to exotic, dangerous, bold, and, you got it, erotic! Never, ever mix "cute" and "hot". A smiley or a butterfly would not make your man go gaga over your new tattoo design. The design needs to be strong to give out a feeling of sexiness and power. A dragon tattoo, perhaps toned down a bit, by accentuating its other features like face and eyes, could translate to sexy and dangerous, but being bold and different at the same time!

The Tattoo Size:

The tattoo size is quite a toughie. If you're one of those extra bold, macho women, then you wouldn't really mind covering your entire back with a sexy tattoo design, then there you have it! However, if your idea is to keep more skin, then you could perhaps go in for a medium sized tattoo, or a tattoo that's a tad bigger than the average "cute" design.

Sexiness is all about being bold and standing out. What better way to make a tattoo statement about your sexiness than flaunting a strong tattoo that you're not afraid to show off? Besides, if people need to notice it, it needs to be big!

There are many, many tattoo designers out there, but you need to be very careful while picking your design, deciding its size and picking the colors. Remember that a tattoo will be with you for the rest of your life, so you must make sure that you use the help of a professional tattoo designer to help you pick your tattoo than your randomly Google'd tattoo website. Someone who really knows their tattoos will be able to gauge what kind of a response a particular tattoo would even give you from people in general, and the effects of a particular design size, or what colors to pick for your skin tone.

Mermaid Tattoo Designs - Where to Get a Look at Great Mermaids

Do you have a love for water? Do you have a love for mystical beautiful women? Whatever your desire, mermaid tattoo designs are very popular. There is such a wide variety depending on your gender and where you want to place the tattoo. If you find some good designs to start with, you can use your imagination and come up with a unique tattoo design. In a bit I'll tell you where you can go to get good mermaid tattoo designs.

You can do a lot with mermaid tattoo designs. They can be a small, delicate ankle or foot tattoo. You can also do a larger arm or leg tattoo. Because of the tail, it makes a good design to wrap around a body part. If you want to make the tattoo larger, add some other water animals like dolphins or fish to the design. It's your tattoo, use your imagination and create something you will cherish.

When people ask about your tattoo, you want to have a good story to tell. If the tattoo doesn't mean anything personal to you, you'll get tired of it soon. Unlike many things in our lives, you can't get rid of a tattoo very easily. One out of 4 people have some type of tattoo regret. Don't let that happen to you. Take your time and don't get rushed into getting a design that you're not 200% sure of.

A good online tattoo gallery is where you should go to design unique mermaid tattoo designs. If you join a membership gallery you can have unlimited downloads for the price of two downloaded designs at some other online galleries. The best way to make your tattoo unique is to combine pieces of different tattoo designs that you like and put them together.

Let's say you want to combine dolphins and a mermaid. You can print off a few different dolphin designs that you like and a few different mermaid designs. Sit down with them and try different designs together to see which ones look best. You might find that you like a part of one mermaid and a part of another. That's fine, put together your puzzle and make your unique design. You can take it to a tattoo parlor and the artist will put the finishing touches on the design. You'll be leaving with a special unique tattoo that you designed.

Leo Zodiac Tattoo Designs

The Best Designs And Free Ideas For Leo Zodiac Tattoos

If you were born between July 23 and August 22 then under the western astrological calendar you are a Leo. Leo have wonderfully communicative personalities and love to be out there. They are often the life of the party and have a naturally affinity for the theater. Tattoos are very hot among most Leos because of the flair for the dramatic. If you are one of those people looking for a Leo tattoo for yourself or maybe you want to find a great tattoo for the Leo in your life then this article is for you. It will go into some design ideas for Leo zodiac tattoos.

Leo Tattoo Ideas: The Lion
Lions are the animal most closely associated with the Leo sign and it of course is no mistake that lions are the king of the jungle. This fits perfect with a Leo's personality of living life large! Therefor a very natural tattoo idea is to incorporate a large lion. Their great main can be flowing in the wind making for a rather large and majestic tattoo design that almost any Leo would be proud to wear. Also being king of the jungle means you get to wear a crown something most Leos will love so you might want to include a crown on your lion tattoo design.

Leo Zodiac Tattoo Ideas: Fire
Another great theme that can be used alone to develop a tattoo or in conjunction with other parts of a design is flames and fire. Fire is the element that rules the Leo sign and therefore is closely connected with it. There are a lot of really great tattoo designs that incorporate fire and flames and they look incredible. There are lots of bright colors and strong bold lines making a flame tattoo incredibly attractive. There is always the flames from the wrist extended up the arms but you can also choose to use flames behind the lion. It is up to you but flames always make for a great tattoo design.

Leo Zodiac Tattoo Ideas: The Sun
It really can't get any better then this can it? The Leo's is ruled by the sun and this is yet another great image that can easily be made into all kinds of really great looking tattoos. You can do a tribal sun design, a sun with a lion or just a beautiful sun with a face and rays coming down across the body. There are so many different tattoo designs for the sun that this is a perfect tattoo for any Leo it is also strong and bold.

Leo Tattoo Ideas: The Astrological Sign
As another option for your tattoo design you can always easily include the astrological symbol for the Leo. It is a sort of snake looking U shaped figure that can be done by itself but also will look great if it is incorporated into any of the above designs. It would work well with a background of flames behind it or possibly below a sun or Lion. Whatever you choose you might want to consider adding in the actual zodiac symbol for extra flare.

Leo Zodiac Tattoo Ideas: Written
If you are not sure about any of the above ideas and none of them really stand out for what you want to do then you might be thinking about getting a written tattoo. There are many different beautiful script styles and things a tattoo artist can do to supplement a written tattoo. Just getting the words Leo written in a beautiful script is a great idea. You can of course do this when combined with any of the other designs also.

Who Should Get A Leo Tattoo
One of the best thing about astrological and zodiac tattoos is they are not gender specific and they look incredible on both men and women. Of course women might not want a big black tribal of a lion on their back but there are many lion tattoos that can be done with a beautifully flower mane that would work well for women also. Really any of the designs can be done in a variety of ways to suit both males and females that is the greatest thing about zodiac tattoo designs.

Sexy Tattoo Designs For Girls - The Best Foot and Sleeve Tattoos

There are so many great tattoo designs for girls these days it is really amazing. In fact there are so many great looking tattoo designs for girls these days that it can be hard to narrow down the choices and find something that works for you. Two of the most currently popular trends for tattoo designs for women are tattoos for foot and sleeve tattoo designs. If you are looking for a tattoo design for either of these super sexy locations here are some great ideas.

Tattoos For Foot

Of course the foot is a small area or canvas to work from so if you are truly considering getting a foot tattoo you should try and find a design that can be small and not too intricate. If the design is too intricate it will late fade and blur.

Star Foot Tattoo - One of the most popular options these days are the star foot tattoo. The stars have always fascinated people and human throughout our short time here on earth. There are so many mysteries behind stars that they can make a great and highly symbolic tattoo.

Flower Foot Tattoo - Anther great option is to get a flower foot tattoo design hat you like. There are so many different possibilities with a flower tattoo design. One should start by deciding what is important in their life that holds meaning and significance for them. Then they can locate a great looking flower that symbolizes those things.

Sleeve Tattoo Designs

Sleeve tattoo designs can be done as a full sleeve going from wrist to shoulder. A half sleeve ranging from elbow to should and a quarter sleeve tattoo which is typically just done around the shoulder and upper part of the arm. More and more women are choosing to get sleeve tattoos or what is called getting sleeved. Here are some of the more popular ideas and tattoo design styles for feminine sleeve tattoo design.

Koi Fish Sleeve Design - The koi fish is obviously a very traditional and Japanese tattoo design that used to be done very large in full body tattoo suits worn by the Yakuza. However, today many women are getting this traditional tattoo with the beautiful new colored inks available these days.

Floral Sleeve Designs - Another popular option for women is a floral tattoo. This could be anything from a gothic looking vampire flower or a lotus flower symbolizing a journey and transformation typically religious but these days just a great classic tattoo design.

Butterfly Tattoo Designs - Get Lost In Mother Nature

Tattoo art form are increasing in popularity especially in the US and European countries. Trendy and decorative tattoo designs are a choice of every next person. Moreover, the choice is not less. Tattoos are available in several design and sizes, so you need not worry about how to decorate your body. Few of the most fashionable contemporary tattoos are butterfly tattoo designs, dragon tattoo designs, tribal tattoo designs, cross tattoo designs, henna tattoo designs, and religious tattoo designs, the list is long!

Butterflies have essentially been thought of as a style statement for years together. Be it garments, accessories, baggage, or jewellery, this lovely creature has managed to form a creative idea. The vibrant colors of the butterfly sported on you would make you look hot. Butterflies tattoo designs are very colorful and have a nice blend of eye-catching colors.

Tattoos with butterfly pictures will leave you in confusion for the selection. Some of the coolest butterfly tattoo designs are tribal butterfly tattoos, fairy butterfly tattoos, lower back butterfly tattoos, animal butterfly tattoos and Celtic butterfly tattoos. Tribal butterfly tattoos are generally influenced by ancestral art from local and native tribes. The tribal art comes from the large clans or tribes from Ireland and Scotland and even some of the tribes of Borneo. Butterflies since many ages have been linked with fairies. Butterfly wings are considered fairy wings and vice versa. A butterfly really represents a multi-colored picture of Mother Nature itself. Hence, these fairy butterfly tattoo designs are even more famed especially with females and modern males.

These butterfly tattoo designs have held a special place in a woman's heart. Amongst the preferred designs, the butterfly tattoo designs are one of the favorites. Butterfly tattoos come in wide-ranging designs and color formats, from two toned ones to multicolored. Normally, its are tattooed on the arm or on the shoulder blade no matter it is permanent or not. There are the energetic ones who have butterfly tattoos positioned on their neck or ankle if they can take the pain of the needles for lasting and permanent tattoos.

They are a subject of creative expression and the blending of colors is very unique and expressive. Butterfly tattoo designs are all about taking butterfly in the kingdom of fashion and combining it with art forms. The butterfly tattoos not only interest the lady world, but are amongst the chosen designs of the artists too. Permanent or temporary stick ones, even body painting; the tattoo designers love to play with colors that make the butterfly wings.

Some butterfly tattoos survive just a few days and can be cleaned off by any paint remover, some of them just need soap and water to vanish. Body painted butterfly tattoo designs are not very lasting and thus give a better chance of variety. Irrespective of the type a butterfly tattoo design, it is always amongst the finest designs as one can have fun with colors which are not likely with any other design.